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So no matter what, I cannot get the second scene with the zombie. I even started a new game and followed the walkthrough on the discord to the letter. She disappears from the freezer but no encounter happens in the main foyer.

That's a new one. I'll check it out.

Any updates about this bug or has it been fixed in the next version?

The game crashes consistently when trying to interact with the security camera button on the computer. I can't continue past this point.

The cams was prepping for the v 0.008 release. It wasn't suppose to be left in the 0.007 version. The bugfix should solve that.

i don't have the option to download the game anymore? i saw there was an update a few days ago and the download button disappeared


Sorry for the delayed response. I was unfortunately away for a bit. The uploads should be visable again. I'm not sure why they were randomly hidden.

For some reason when I go to the hallway just to the side of the security guard on Android it black screens.  The error says something about a broken door.

Thanks for the report. Found the issue. I'll be uploading a bugfixed version later today after work.

this new update seems to make the game very laggy any reason for that?

Think it's an install issue. Happens sometimes when I build it as well. I should be uploading a bugfixed version after work today so hopefully that'll fix the issue.

ok thanks for answering

Deleted 1 year ago

Strength rune. Use the lens bottom right of the lingerie shop. Key to the shop is in the girls restroom. Should be able to open it after that.

где искать дверную ручку маленькая девочка сказала, что в магазине нижнего белья что-то есть, но там ничего не было

Got stuck after getting out of the freezer, cant seem to find the box guy's lunch where monique. Help please!

it's the apple in the room with the giant tree

help im stuck (pause) i cant find wherever the hell 3rd shard is i found 1 2 and 4 but no 3 and i triple checked everywhere (and im not sure that i can find where it means by hallway

yo someone please i NEED the answer

Trash can, Rex, Girl's sink, and Paint can outside restrooms
Also theres a walkthrough on the discord.

i cant find rex

found a small bug, its fine but ruins the imersion, if you go to the, photo booth before you free the girls sam will still talk to you, also if you leave the security office with the map, instead of the arrow you don't get the key and cant get back without loading.

I can't acsses any of the Rex stuff in the gallery and girls menu. This has persisted through all the versions I have downloaded.

Probably a bug from a previous version being carried through the save files. Gonna assume the character is blacked out. Does starting a new game fix it? If so you can adjust a value in the save file.

Win: C:\Users\*user*\AppData\Local\MallCreeps_0_004b

The line:
obj_charRex Lock:="1.000000"
should be:
obj_charRex Lock:="0.000000"

Androids unfortunately hide their files a little better. If it's a non issue then I can just add unlock it in v0.008.

It worked thank

(1 edit)

i try and chase the zombie but it says i have to be faster. how do you get faster? loving this game though!

There's another rune at the admin entrance on the wall. Sorry for the delayed response.

No worries! Thanks!

I love your game but I can’t play the new version of it.

Alright. Can I ask if you're on android or pc. Also when and where is the issue occuring. (ex: Crash at main menu)

ah I’m on pc, I run windows, and it’s not so much the game won’t start it’s that I can’t open it, winzip is the unzipping program I’ve been using but, it doesn’t unzip your file, I’ve never had this problem before.

Sorry for the delayed response. That is definitely a new one. Tried double clicking myself and yeah, nothing. But when I right clicked and picked the winzip option I could unzip it anywhere I wanted without issue. Hopefully that fixes your issue while I try and figure why the file is being a dick.

Any idea on how to restrain the zombie? I'm somewhat stumped...

There's some duct tape in storageB (Reach by entering through the loading hallway. You'll need the keycard from the security office.)

the only thing I wish you'd change out would be the dialog box, it covers way to much of the action, I know you can hide it but it comes back when you want to progress with the dialog.. 

Hmmm. I think you're right about that. Maybe Make it translucent?

that would help greatly! 

i downloaded the game but when i tried to open it it sent me to word and froze it and would'nt play also it is not shown on my librar

is it the androind APK or the windows EXE that's not working right?

(1 edit)

How do I up my agility?

Rune in the admin entrance on the wall.


When you complete the game and it says do you want to save or not and when you save does it keep all your progress until the next updat

im just noticing i fucked up that comment but hopefully @Kuga_Maru understands what im saying 

The save should keep all your progress. I hope I got all the bugs worked out on that.

Oh ok, thanks

In the photos section, there is the secret scene of the saleswoman. How can I open it?

Scene one: Use the lens on her.
Scene two: After the first scene she'll ask you to find a lava lamp when you leave (Might have to reenter). Lava lamp is in front of the lingerie shop. Bring that back to her. Leave and come back she should be missing. Click on the lava lamp.

I am absolutely stumped on finding food for hobbs

Apple by the tree in the room with the photo booth.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

not close to caught up yet but i'm already excited to follow along with this game! the girls are great and i love the atmosphere! a way to go backwards in the dialogue would be great, though

edit: just noticed the log, oops


I actually tried to include a rollback system in the first couple uploads. It... kinda worked sometimes... and made the game go completely ballistic others.

gotta love game development!

I can't get into the toy box. I tired the code 4 times

472 not working? I'll get on it.

I didn't try that ...

I feel silly

Ahh it's all good. Hope you're enjoying the game.

Deleted post

Sorry. Should be working now.

When first getting the scanner, going onto girls and then Rex leads to a crash;




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_costRexDefault:

Variable obj_costRexDefault.swtch(100302, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_costRexDefault_Step_0


gml_Object_obj_costRexDefault_Step_0 (line -1)


Thank you for the report.

how do I access the vending machine coins? it just prompts me to input random numbers and then does nothing

Need five tokens and to check the payphone. Then you can enter the code in the vending machine.

Where do you find the tokens? I have four, and have no idea where to find the last one.

(1 edit)

you can get more checking the rewards in the scanner menu once you've taken a picture of an anomaly.

I Opened the freezer and it didn't give new task, new update that's it? By the way, how do you enter the shop?

-To open the shop you must have five tokens, check the phone, the vending machine, input code, and the path shall open.
-update ends when the friends are let out of the freezer. (It's a bit short this time sorry. Adding the shop took a bit.)

don't worry. The length doesn't matter as long as it's beautiful.


when is asks to find a time in the liengerie store i cant seem to find anything 


There's a rune in the lower right. Hold the lens over to reveal.


So when you get stuck in the freezer you can still quick travel using the map but that locks you out of the freezer preventing you from progressing by entering the vent


I just finished the v0.004 and i loved it. Compare to other game, the porn aspect isn't exaggerated and it is pleasant to see games like that. The plot is original and the caracters are well developed with unique personalities. Along with that, the art is also unique and really beautiful and especially well-made.

I'm looking forward to this game wich has a real potential. Thank you for your work :)

PS : Do you have any hint about how to find the code of the box in the storage or if it is even functional ?

Yes actually. Using the lens on the screen at the burger joint will reveal a code to open the box. Thanks for the support.

when is the new update and how long will the average playtime of the new update be. Will there be new locations and new characters scenes to come?

We aim for new updates every 15th. I think we're going to be a day or two late with this one but I'll be working on it all day today and tomorrow.

This was more of a technical update as it introduces the shop and the shop owner. As well as some quality of life improvements. There's three new characters, and a couple new locations. There will also be 3 new CG. Since we do monthly releases the updates are a bit smaller compared to some other games. It's hard for me as one of the devs to judge the play time since I know where everything is and usually fly through the content to look for bugs.

The lead would like the final roster to be a bit over 20 characters. And we have ideas for multiple floors. Hopefully the game does well and we can add everything we'd like.

This game will be awesome when it's done

Real good game can't wait to get more!

We aim for a new release every month. (Likely a day or two delay this month) And Patreon is a version ahead if interested. If not, thanks for playing the game and we appreciate the comment.

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get to the security office

event in storage. Gotta get in from the loading bay. To lift the shutter you need the strength rune. Lingerie shop, bottom right, lens.

How do I get my strength up to open the shutter in the loading bay? I've looked all over the lingerie shop but can't find anything

bottem right corner

I found the 3 parts needed to complete the mirror, but I can't find part 3.  By the way I'm playing on mobile


The four locations for the mirror are:

Loading Bay: Help Rex
Loading Hallway: Garbage can
Girls Restroom: Sink
Outside Restrooms: Paintcan

I have now found and completed the game. It's a very good game. I'm waiting for the continuation


Hi, I need some help because I cannot find Luco and I don't know how to give her the present.

(1 edit)

Repairing the mirror in the boys restroom will Summon Luco. The mirrior piecs are: paint can - just outside restrooms, garbage - loading hallway, grating-help Rex in the loading bay, and sink- girls restroom. The gift is for Rex. You should be able to give it to her almost whenever you get the options (talk, gift, nevermind) although sometimes event dialogue will take priority.

help, please. I can't get past enter the freezer

Two places I've seen people get stuck are they don't click on the where the freezer handle should be, right next to Rex. Or more commonly you need the freezer handle from storage. To enter storage you need to find the strength rune in the lingerie shop (Bottom left) and then you can get in from the loading bay. 

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