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i cant get the wires or get the elevator working amd the goth girl keeps saying somrthing in the washroom

Likely missing an intelligence rune for the wires. Goth girl quest should take you to the boys restroom, the janitors closet, then the big tree in the woods.

thanks i got to the tree but i dont know where the intelligence rune is

in the garden

i already had it before this but im also done with the current version thx though

I have a problem with getting wire.

 Tried to get it from cash register, but I’m getting quote about that million dollars. I still have knife to cut the wires, but it still doesn’t work.

Am i missing something?

Hard to tell without seeing but in the past it was either the other register your missing an intelligence rune. (In the garden on the tree)

Oooooh,  I was checking ATM.  My bad, was stuck on this due to me not knowing English enough .😬

Thanks for replying.✌️

Opening the link to Patreon after clicking on that one poster in the hallway broke my game, now the game is locked out of fullscreen and I can't bring the mouse cursor down to the settings menu button to activate fullscreen again.

Please fix the ui, its such a pain to do any little task, like saving, or chaning tools, or accessing the settings with a key and not only by clicking

you can use your scroll wheel to change tools

it doesnt work with touchpad


Pretty buggy but a great start. The genie especially likes to break, so shop at your own risk (or just drop a save beforehand lol).

Can also softlock via broken dialog during the tour section with the goth. After the bathroom scene, get the dialog "Our first destination is in the mens restrooms" and the character just disappears. 


what is broken is the dialog, you are not softlocked but she does not tell you where you are supposed to go

Good to know then! I'll have to do some diggin

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Ah shoot I didn't even realize. I think the tasks still tell you the correct spot to go but yeah I borked the dialogue on that one. You're suppose to head to the janitors closet in the hallway, then the forest..

Thanks for the heads up! Totally missed the task section then

Where is amy's top.I legit cant find it


Outside the lingerie shop~


Is the elevator sequence the last thing available in the free version, right now?


I believe so. General rule is if you have all the cg you're probably at the end.

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I think I have done everything. The last thing is to return to the elevator...but nothing is happening. Did I miss something?

Except for the duct in the security office, can't open it while Monique is in there...

You can open it, but you can't get in, you have to get in the ducts from another place and go there instead

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Did I get softlocked?
I am on day 2 and I did the weedkiller, gave the orb to the goth girl and did the massage and tasks say to finish In sheep's clothing, but I find no way to start that mission or where it is.
I even tried to start a new game from day 2 and it is the same that mission never starts for me.

Check the bushes by the slide in the garden area.

i'm on making friends 2 and it's telling me to talk to jenny in the tasks menu but when i do no dialogue starts, it just says her usual thing and opens her interaction menu.

How do I find the tree in forest for making friends 2


the tree left of the big one will trigger a scene when you try to walk into it with Willow. Maybe I should make it a different color that it sticks out more.

Hi, cadet is in the bathroom and i cant get in, so i dont know what to do now

Use the map and press on the girls bathroom


This is a bug. I fixed it in v13 but caused a new bug that I only fixed yesterday~. the screwdriver answer is the correct answer.


use the screwdriver on the metal plate in the stall in the boys' bathroom

How do you get the key card to the storage room.


I believe its in the security office on the desk

will u one day put in on steam ? If yes when (sry for my bad english(i’m french))

How do you open the elevator?

fix the generator that you can find in the fountain



go to the fish fountain, press the generator, talk to jenny, go to the cash register and you'll find wire


Yeah i dont know what to do i did every quest up to the jeane one and dont know how to continue after we leave the elevator.

It sounds like I'm about finished with the current version of the game. Downloaded it yesterday on Android and couldn't put it down. Love the art style and writing. Can't wait for the full release!

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Where is screwdriver? Am I blind or is it kinda easy to miss on mobile?

Nevermind! I found it

Please tell me xD

from what i remember it was sort of annoyingly obvious, it was somewhere in the second room you unlock for storage I believe


I hope there will be some female cryptids added in the future like a mothwoman and/or a wendigo gal


Since this is the first game in what we hope will be a series we're sticking to more basic horror tropes. One of the sequals is supposed to be set at camp though. Wendigal would probably fit right in there.

can the mothwoman be in the camp sequel since she would fit in as well

I feel like a dunce, can't find the wire for the elevator repair.


Its in the cash register. Need the knife though. I forget if you needed any stats.

100, I kept checking there... but the wrong one. LOL

I gotta say, I appreciate the squiggly costume for the zombie girl. you have good tastes. 

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The storage key card is not appearing in the office with the security guard, and anytime I try to interact and say anything in the room it says she'll be mad

Hey I'm not sure if something is not working or I don't understand it yet, it looked like I had made a photo once with that scanner thing after I finally noticed I had it and found a bunch of stuff talked with the sister and now nothing. 

The scanner doesn't even seem to work the way I thought it would.

the blue scanner is for the awards not the quests, you can check awards 

Deleted 177 days ago

Can anyone help me raise intelligence it says im almost smart enough to figure out the power box by the fountain

the symbol is in the garden with Sam. If you haven't unlocked the garden yet I think you have to do the willow quest first

The goth girl is stuck in the washroom and keeps telling me not happening and idk what to do past this point pls help

from memory i think the next step is to go to the park and go to each of the trees with symbols on them. If you havent got past the wolves yet you have to complete wolf in sheeps clothing q

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i did that before but i just re-did it and nothing something supposed to happen as i touch the trees?

i am still having trouble and nothing is working

did you do all the trees even the one surrounded by pine trees?

how do you get to that one?

the left middle pine tress. run into that one

are there animations or GC? I see the game is liked.

there is one at the end of day one. that's the only one i know of.

ive seen two short animations so far in v12

the artwork is awesome tho


Can anyone help me with getting faster to catch the wolf in the bathroom, I cannot for the life of me find anymore symbols

medic room

Thank you!


Yeah i dont know what to do i did every quest up to the jeane one and dont know how to continue after we leave the elevator.

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Has anyone figured out how to unlock the Jeane scenes yet? I've unlocked everything else. Also I don't know if this is in the game yet but I cannot figure out how to finish the elevator quest after unlocking the Bianca scene

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to unlock Jeane scenes you need to use the lens on her

hey still pretty much at the beginning, i have encountered a problem, if youre going top the park entrance theres no way out before you get the map (had to restart after like 20-30 minutes bc of this) 

and I'm also not finding shard 3, im pretty sure I already checked all the areas listed in the tips for the task so if I could get some help that would be great

also just realized that fullscreen doesn't work on Mac for some reason

Still having issues on my Stylo(Android) where it just kinda turns off without errors. 

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after I free everyone from the freezer what do I do? Apparently Sam is supposed to be at the park entrance but she isn't for me.

How do you restrain the zombie girl?

duct tape solves everything

its in the storage room

I am having trouble finding the third clothing for the werewolf, I got the ones from the bathroom and outside the lingerie shop. Any tips?

The last wolf is in the forest, far left

i checked the generator power source and fixed it and when i got to talk to Bianca to let her know the elevator is fixed it wont let me talk to her i don't know if i'm missing something or its a bug.

BTW, I really like your game :)

I think you need to go into the elevator first, and/or see Willow's third scene (Making Friends 2). 

Correct you need to progress Willow's event to get into the elevator. However we discovered a bug in v0.13 where if you complete Willows event where you have to guide her around the mall for a bit before doing Bianca's initial quest you can sequence lock.

This bug hasn't been fixed in v0.12 yet. Took quite a while to figure out what was going on.

Where did you find the wire?

Does this game also have anal content?

Not yet. That's usually more high level stuff and we're on the second day. It is planned though.

Installed the new update and can't find any new scenes, dialogue, or anything. Can't seem to do anything with the elevator, or the new part of the garden, and it's a bit frustrating. Am I missing something or did nothing but the one new room get added?


This was a filler update so the new CG is mostly filler CG with not a lot of eventing behind it Most the written content is in the form of variation scenes on existing content. Here's the list.

New background: Greenhouse
New CG: 2nd Magician girl poster.
New CG: Werewolf changeroom.
New CG: Vtuber event.

New Variation: Sam changeroom. (one for underwear and one for naked. Have to leave the room between variations.)
New Variation: Cadet changeroom (one for underwear and one for naked. Have to leave the room between variations.)
New Variation: Goth hotdogging.
New Variation: Goth sex.
New Variation: Jeane expose breasts.
New Variation: Jeane grope
New Variation: Jeane handjob
New Variation: Jeane sex (Animation)
New Variation: Cadet blowjob finishes. (On face and in mouth.)

Bit confused.  I need to get Amys Shorts from the restroom but I can't get in since Cadet's in there.   Any way to make her move or get in anyways?  Most of my other quests need this done first

Using the screwdriver on the boys restroom stall will complete cadets scene so that she'll move. Screwdriver is in storage 2. (half to access from the hallway).

Stuck on Hide and Seek, whenever I try to touch the computer my entire game locks up, nothing is interactable and I have to force close just to get it to end.

Does the Vtuber scene start playing? If so then it's a bug we only found in v0.13. The room objects behind the scene aren't switching off so if you tap one it starts a new event without finishing the old one.

Nothing plays, it just locks the screen to the mall entrance and unloads everything that's interactable.

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