I must say it's a good game with potential to be a great game. If you don't mind, I have a few suggestions:
1. Make the tool bar at the bottom something you can toggle off/on, it takes up too much space, and the options are redundant as you can do exactly the same through the menu tool provided. I see no reasons to have it there.
2. Improve or change the dialogs after interacting with objects in game. If you interact with an object and get an item from it, interacting with the same object shouldn't say something "oh, let's see if I find something again here" or "no nothing, better luck next time". It only makes the MC sound like his brain didn't develop, which is weird because the perception you're trying the girls to have of this guy is the one of an impressive and smart guy. His dialogs should be more aligned to his character image, traits, personality and intelligence.
3. If you are looking for a particular object to solve a puzzle that you previously interacted with, once you find that object, the dialog shouldn't say "oh I wonder what this knob door is for?". I mean.... it's like, it's common sense, right? If you know what you're looking for, then after you find it the dialog should be like "okay, finally I found what I need to open the freezer or solve the puzzle, or let's see if I can use this to open the door, etc" instead of a dumb thing such as "oh I wonder what this door knob is for?". Still, it's the same as in point number 2, the dialogs do not reflect the apparent personality and character traits the girls are seeing in the main character.
4. Sam appears in the coffee room right before the freezer puzzle. I can't interact with her at all, but if I go to the changing room, I will have a chance to see her there naked. There is NO consistency with the positions of the girls. This RNG system should be rethought because you're telling a story and knowing that you just saw Sam in a room just to see her magically popping up in a different room breaks the entire "immersion". All you can think of is "ah right, the game is doing a game thing".
5. The music is awesome, it sets the mood, but by default it should be lower volume than 50. Otherwise, it just gets tedious after a while. Or just add more music to the library.
6. Interacting with Objects should give you some sort of feedback, such as when taking pictures of the ghosts, the first thing you should realize is that there's a ghost and that you should take a picture, through a dialog or something, or maybe a previous explanation from Sam. It took me like a whole hour to realize that's what you wanted the player to do. Also, there should be a real reason behind taking these pictures, it just feels like a filler mechanic rather than a thing you are encouraged to do. What do you take picture of ghosts for? Those pictures can't even be accessed through the main menu.
7. The game has issues when you first run it on Windows. The the game window is not centered by default. So, you gotta either manually move it every time you open the game or go to pref → set game to full screen. That's something easy to fix, guys.
8. When you interact with the monitors where you're supposed to see what the cameras captured, it does not show anything. I gather the game is incomplete, but at the very least it shouldn't be an interactive object until there's a reason to interact with it. Maybe the cameras should be used to spy on the girls and know where they're exactly at any given time, or maybe random ghosts should appear there, it could be a tool for learning more about the girls by eavesdropping on their private conversations.
9. When you hide the HUD in the game because you want to fully see the girls during the events when they're naked, if you click anywhere again to un-hide it, the text will skip to the next dialog, which is annoying as you could miss a line or two, and the whole point of this game is the story.
10. The HUD is way too big. The buttons next to the DIALOG box take too much space, there's no need for that. You can replace the button text with icons. However, the 3 options on the top right-hand side of the screen are very well thought and designed. Also, the icon where you can change mouse modes is unnecessarily big, it takes so much space that it becomes annoying when exploring the areas because the HUD simply hides a lot of the image that you're supposed to pay full attention to.
11. Please, add a shortcut to change between mouse modes, like pressing the button Z, tab or something.
12. Add an explanation of what you need to do with the mouse modes. It took 2 hours, for real, 2 hours to figure out that there was a symbol that granted you enough strength to open the garage door. I thought the game was buggy because there were no hints pointing out to that. I thought the lense was just to see through the girls' clothes.
13. Change the "Auto" default speed, nobody reads that fast. First time I used it I missed part of the story. Also, the "Skip" and "Auto" buttons should NOT remain on after the scene has ended because when you try to interact with another object, it skips through the whole conversation. I see now why the tool bar was added at the bottom of the screen... but, then that's a bad design with the Auto/Skip feature. If you fix the root cause of something, it can lead to disabling another unnecessary thing put in place to fix it such as the tool bar, granting more space to the image to be better viewed by the player.
14. Certain objects are intuitive for their use, such as the Axe in the Loading Room. It could be used to break the glass where the toy is. It could be used to pry open the freezer door, the janitor door, it could even be used to open the garage door. If you have an item that anyone with half a brain would think of using for purposes other than what the game actually needs, then the item should be replaced with something more specific. I don't know what the Axe is needed for later in the game, but definitely it's counter intuitive to have an Axe within your arms reach and having the game blocking you from using it through a simple dialog. I think this kind of objects should be better thought out. Remove it or make it so that it can't be so easily reached, or let it be an item to solve different problems, as a normal person would.
15. Cadet disappears from the entire mall making it so that the only moment you can see her is in the RNG changing room. That definitely could see some improvement. Have her wandering around in the bathrooms where there's OBVIOS paranormal activity. Or sitting in front of the computers. Her character trait is that she's clumsy as fuck, then she should be somewhere she can't break things like in the Loading Room. Every girl should be always visible by the player. Otherwise she's just like another ghost.
16. In the game menu → girls and ghosts' sections, instead of "blacking out" the remaining girls/ghosts' tiles, their tiles should just be invisible. That way you won't spoil that there's just 1 more girl left to find or that there's only 3 ghosts in the game. The story is the main drive of this game, don't break it or add things that turn the story into a "meh, I knew it" thing. Every section of the story should always be a surprise for the reader, otherwise it becomes boring and predictable. You don't have good CG, you don't have a good reason behind the girls liking the MC, you don't have a good plot either, so the story right now is an average 5/10. So, focus on the things you guys can work on, if you can't make better sex events where there's actually more than 1 frame per 50 lines of dialog, then focus on making those 50 lines so good that it doesn't matter that the MC character ejaculated after a single frame of a demon touching his dick.
Alright, those are my thoughts on this game. It made me feel frustrated a couple times because it's a game reminding me that it could've been better designed and developed if a bit of common sense was added during its development.
I hope these points I took the time to write can help you better tailor the experience you're trying to create for your players.
They're in the change room but the rng is a little funky. picks the 'nothing inside' option WAY more than it should. I think I got it so it'll work better next release. But they are still there and you can still get them.
Do I have to be inside the change room? because I havent gotten to access the change room so far maybe send a photo of where it is? sorry dont ment to bug you
It's fine. I'm happy to help. The change room just triggers random scenes. The rng makes it unlikely but I think I have that issue solved for the next release. You can set the tool in the top left. Although I think I need to make that more clear as your not the first not to notice it. I've been talking to the art lead as well about moving the rune somewhere more obvious.
Seems to have promise. Unique art style. Guessing not much is complete, though. I got to... maybe Rex fishing around in the vent before I stopped finding stuff to do. Even scanned the hole in the ceiling in the right hallway and the shadow in the men's bathroom stall.
there's a bit more. You can repair the broken mirror in the boys bathroom if you find all four shards. paint can, girls restroom sink, garbage, and rex in the grate. After the scene you'll need the new tool to progress. It show hidden things.
Alright. I'll help you out the best of my abilities. First off, which version of the game are you trying to play? Android or Windows? And are you getting any errors, black screen, something else?
Okay after switching devices and getring the Game top Work IT was a pleasent time even If I didn't find the 5 oddities in the end and I have to say that the Sound and visual Design are very nice, even If the interact Sound can geht a Bit annoying at Times If you don't Turn the Sound down.
Fair enough about the sound. I may have found the issue with the new android resolutions. Unfortunately I don't have a way to test it. Next public release will be on the first of January. Hope it works. Currently there's only two oddities in the game.
Love what you have so far! The art style is great and U.I. and design choices are very unique, my only recommendation would be to maybe have a note at the end of the dialog of objects that arent used in the current version that just says "not yet implemented" or something like that.
Nope. should be one more scene in the demo. There's a walkthrough in the discord. but for where you are are you need the four chards then you can fix the mirror. Rex, paint can outside of bathrooms, girls restroom sink, and hallway garbage.
← Return to game
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I must say it's a good game with potential to be a great game.
If you don't mind, I have a few suggestions:
1. Make the tool bar at the bottom something you can toggle off/on, it takes up too much space, and the options are redundant as you can do exactly the same through the menu tool provided. I see no reasons to have it there.
2. Improve or change the dialogs after interacting with objects in game. If you interact with an object and get an item from it, interacting with the same object shouldn't say something "oh, let's see if I find something again here" or "no nothing, better luck next time".
It only makes the MC sound like his brain didn't develop, which is weird because the perception you're trying the girls to have of this guy is the one of an impressive and smart guy. His dialogs should be more aligned to his character image, traits, personality and intelligence.
3. If you are looking for a particular object to solve a puzzle that you previously interacted with, once you find that object, the dialog shouldn't say "oh I wonder what this knob door is for?". I mean.... it's like, it's common sense, right? If you know what you're looking for, then after you find it the dialog should be like "okay, finally I found what I need to open the freezer or solve the puzzle, or let's see if I can use this to open the door, etc" instead of a dumb thing such as "oh I wonder what this door knob is for?". Still, it's the same as in point number 2, the dialogs do not reflect the apparent personality and character traits the girls are seeing in the main character.
4. Sam appears in the coffee room right before the freezer puzzle. I can't interact with her at all, but if I go to the changing room, I will have a chance to see her there naked. There is NO consistency with the positions of the girls. This RNG system should be rethought because you're telling a story and knowing that you just saw Sam in a room just to see her magically popping up in a different room breaks the entire "immersion". All you can think of is "ah right, the game is doing a game thing".
5. The music is awesome, it sets the mood, but by default it should be lower volume than 50. Otherwise, it just gets tedious after a while. Or just add more music to the library.
6. Interacting with Objects should give you some sort of feedback, such as when taking pictures of the ghosts, the first thing you should realize is that there's a ghost and that you should take a picture, through a dialog or something, or maybe a previous explanation from Sam. It took me like a whole hour to realize that's what you wanted the player to do. Also, there should be a real reason behind taking these pictures, it just feels like a filler mechanic rather than a thing you are encouraged to do. What do you take picture of ghosts for? Those pictures can't even be accessed through the main menu.
7. The game has issues when you first run it on Windows. The the game window is not centered by default. So, you gotta either manually move it every time you open the game or go to pref → set game to full screen. That's something easy to fix, guys.
8. When you interact with the monitors where you're supposed to see what the cameras captured, it does not show anything. I gather the game is incomplete, but at the very least it shouldn't be an interactive object until there's a reason to interact with it. Maybe the cameras should be used to spy on the girls and know where they're exactly at any given time, or maybe random ghosts should appear there, it could be a tool for learning more about the girls by eavesdropping on their private conversations.
9. When you hide the HUD in the game because you want to fully see the girls during the events when they're naked, if you click anywhere again to un-hide it, the text will skip to the next dialog, which is annoying as you could miss a line or two, and the whole point of this game is the story.
10. The HUD is way too big. The buttons next to the DIALOG box take too much space, there's no need for that. You can replace the button text with icons. However, the 3 options on the top right-hand side of the screen are very well thought and designed. Also, the icon where you can change mouse modes is unnecessarily big, it takes so much space that it becomes annoying when exploring the areas because the HUD simply hides a lot of the image that you're supposed to pay full attention to.
11. Please, add a shortcut to change between mouse modes, like pressing the button Z, tab or something.
12. Add an explanation of what you need to do with the mouse modes. It took 2 hours, for real, 2 hours to figure out that there was a symbol that granted you enough strength to open the garage door. I thought the game was buggy because there were no hints pointing out to that. I thought the lense was just to see through the girls' clothes.
13. Change the "Auto" default speed, nobody reads that fast.
First time I used it I missed part of the story. Also, the "Skip" and "Auto" buttons should NOT remain on after the scene has ended because when you try to interact with another object, it skips through the whole conversation. I see now why the tool bar was added at the bottom of the screen... but, then that's a bad design with the Auto/Skip feature. If you fix the root cause of something, it can lead to disabling another unnecessary thing put in place to fix it such as the tool bar, granting more space to the image to be better viewed by the player.
14. Certain objects are intuitive for their use, such as the Axe in the Loading Room. It could be used to break the glass where the toy is. It could be used to pry open the freezer door, the janitor door, it could even be used to open the garage door. If you have an item that anyone with half a brain would think of using for purposes other than what the game actually needs, then the item should be replaced with something more specific.
I don't know what the Axe is needed for later in the game, but definitely it's counter intuitive to have an Axe within your arms reach and having the game blocking you from using it through a simple dialog. I think this kind of objects should be better thought out. Remove it or make it so that it can't be so easily reached, or let it be an item to solve different problems, as a normal person would.
15. Cadet disappears from the entire mall making it so that the only moment you can see her is in the RNG changing room. That definitely could see some improvement. Have her wandering around in the bathrooms where there's OBVIOS paranormal activity. Or sitting in front of the computers. Her character trait is that she's clumsy as fuck, then she should be somewhere she can't break things like in the Loading Room. Every girl should be always visible by the player. Otherwise she's just like another ghost.
16. In the game menu → girls and ghosts' sections, instead of "blacking out" the remaining girls/ghosts' tiles, their tiles should just be invisible. That way you won't spoil that there's just 1 more girl left to find or that there's only 3 ghosts in the game. The story is the main drive of this game, don't break it or add things that turn the story into a "meh, I knew it" thing. Every section of the story should always be a surprise for the reader, otherwise it becomes boring and predictable.
You don't have good CG, you don't have a good reason behind the girls liking the MC, you don't have a good plot either, so the story right now is an average 5/10. So, focus on the things you guys can work on, if you can't make better sex events where there's actually more than 1 frame per 50 lines of dialog, then focus on making those 50 lines so good that it doesn't matter that the MC character ejaculated after a single frame of a demon touching his dick.
Alright, those are my thoughts on this game. It made me feel frustrated a couple times because it's a game reminding me that it could've been better designed and developed if a bit of common sense was added during its development.
I hope these points I took the time to write can help you better tailor the experience you're trying to create for your players.
Great work, keep it up.
great game, great art style. looking forward to more
is there a shortcut to switch between the three mouse modes? maybe bind to the wheel? haven't found it if there is
That sounds like an excellent addition. I'll see if I can add it to the next release. Shouldn't be to difficult.
Hi, I got to the end of the build, but Im still missing the 2nd cadet and sam scene. Do they come later or am I missing something?
They're in the change room but the rng is a little funky. picks the 'nothing inside' option WAY more than it should. I think I got it so it'll work better next release. But they are still there and you can still get them.
i think this should have a guarranteed situation, where it happens. Many players will check, see there is noting and move on
how exactly do I get inside the storage room/find something to open the door in the kitchen? good game otherwise
use the lens on the bust above the change room. That'll give a strength increase so you can open the garage door.
Do I have to be inside the change room? because I havent gotten to access the change room so far maybe send a photo of where it is? sorry dont ment to bug you
It's fine. I'm happy to help. The change room just triggers random scenes. The rng makes it unlikely but I think I have that issue solved for the next release. You can set the tool in the top left. Although I think I need to make that more clear as your not the first not to notice it. I've been talking to the art lead as well about moving the rune somewhere more obvious.

Seems to have promise. Unique art style.
Guessing not much is complete, though. I got to... maybe Rex fishing around in the vent before I stopped finding stuff to do. Even scanned the hole in the ceiling in the right hallway and the shadow in the men's bathroom stall.
there's a bit more. You can repair the broken mirror in the boys bathroom if you find all four shards. paint can, girls restroom sink, garbage, and rex in the grate. After the scene you'll need the new tool to progress. It show hidden things.
How do I get/use the new tool?
I cant start game
Alright. I'll help you out the best of my abilities. First off, which version of the game are you trying to play? Android or Windows? And are you getting any errors, black screen, something else?
I usually always skip almost all the dialogues but i never skipped one in this game. The art style is really beatiful!
I'm really looking forward the next update and i'm very excited to see what this game will become
Okay after switching devices and getring the Game top Work IT was a pleasent time even If I didn't find the 5 oddities in the end and I have to say that the Sound and visual Design are very nice, even If the interact Sound can geht a Bit annoying at Times If you don't Turn the Sound down.
Fair enough about the sound. I may have found the issue with the new android resolutions. Unfortunately I don't have a way to test it. Next public release will be on the first of January. Hope it works. Currently there's only two oddities in the game.
Will the android version be made into an apk at some point?
Btw the game does not work on the irregular phone aspect ratios of the newer phone generations.
apk should be in the zip file. But I've just uploaded the apk file for simplicity. Will start looking into the phone aspect ratio.
thanks and good luck with that I know it isn't that easy
Love what you have so far! The art style is great and U.I. and design choices are very unique, my only recommendation would be to maybe have a note at the end of the dialog of objects that arent used in the current version that just says "not yet implemented" or something like that.
Where is the box?
electrical box is in the hallway on the left side
love the artstyle and the concept! I iust like to ask if the game currently ends with rex getting unstuck?
Nope. should be one more scene in the demo. There's a walkthrough in the discord. but for where you are are you need the four chards then you can fix the mirror. Rex, paint can outside of bathrooms, girls restroom sink, and hallway garbage.
Worth the download!
I'm very excited to see what you make this game to be I'll be waiting patently for it If you want to say anything to me you can 😉
Super cool! Great artstyle and i like the small tuches like turning of the car! Kepp up the great work! =)