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How do I find the ghost under the alien

Discord link is outdated btw 

Hey i was trying load it on pc and it wont load help?


Gave this a go, really like the humor! The zombie disappears, maybe I missed something, there's a few things that you can interact with but the MC says "not touching it", like maybe it's something down the road? A flower, a sack meal, and a suitcase are all "avoiding touching this", and there's a few places that are locked, with no way to get to them. There's also "little miss troublemaker" who is a hoot!

I was able to get a point of strength and a point of charisma, not sure what the charisma did though. Also not sure what gifts to give the women, or how to increase their stats. Maybe just too soon though! (playing version 7)

for the not touching it like the lunch bag is somthing thath the mc dosn't want to touch with probably no lore attached to them,for the loked doors some are areas yet to be made or you haven't unloked them yet,don't really know why zombie girl is missing but maibe  if you use the handcuff from the guard office she'll stay out. hope to be of help (not a developer).

Naw the handcuff just does extra dialogue. I've been looking into why the zombie disappears. (She's not supposed to do that until after you get the CJ) but I've been swamped with work related business lately so I've had trouble pinning it down.

Rex scared the zombie off! That must be it! I think, outside of "figuring out what the heck the 3 digit code is for the toy box thing" I've seen pretty much everything I can. There's a few things that you are teasing (if I can get the "cartoon crush" I'm not aware of how, and if the knife and the duct tape have a use yet, I'm not sure what) and I noticed a Red Green show reference (possibly unintentional) 

My only real complaint is there's some things that don't make sense. The MC talks about not visiting the sucurity place unless the others are trapped in the freezer... before even knowing that they can be so. Also there was a task about getting Rex some help from a wolf attack before it even happens. It doesn't take away from how fun the game is(and it is really fun), just...weird word choice sometimes.

Ah a few scenario glitches. Thank you for the report.

i cant find the loading bay shard help

Rex should be just past the hallway bent over the grating. is she not there?

How i find jaene? Im lost

Gather five tokens. check the payphone in the food court. enter code int he vending machine to open a new passage.

Thanks kuga , a question There will be more content from Purr scilla?

how to use lens in android version?? 

You can click on the top left and it'll open the drop down menu. should be able to reach it there.

i cant find the girls in the first part when i have to get the shards or rex in the loading bay

nvm i figured it out

help I'm stuck at when a child is recommending to go to lingerie shop, I click on a symbol at bottom right of lingerie shop, it says "I've seen this in girls bathroom" and when I go to girls bathroom it says "I've seen this in boys bathroom", and then I go to boys bathroom but the symbol is gone. I'm so confused

(1 edit)

Use the mirror/lens on the symbols

Thank you so much men, you saved my day

where do i find the lens

Repairing the mirror in the restroom will trigger an plot event. you'll get the lens when you try to leave after.

I cant find Hobb's food

There's an apple in the park entrance.


I, at the scene where the security guard gives us a handjob, the tip of the cock is upside down, as if the penis had turned 180 degrees, it's really weird

I found Rex in the fast food kitchen but for some reason, the task doesn't update and I don't have any special interaction with Rex. What am I doing wrong?

I just found it, you need to click to the missing door handle at her left

(2 edits) (+1)

I cant find Hobb's food, and if its the bag in the dining area it won't let me take it to him. Also in the task area where it says "find Monique" when I found her and the task never changed 

If you go where the three girls are there is an apple right next to the tree.I circled it since i picked it up already


nice. (xD)

@Kuga_Maru when i started the game again after i finished the first part of the game a month or two ago it wont let me continue where i left off pacifically after the wolves attack and where the game says " you have finished the first part of the game and do you want to save or not" and i dont really know what to do.

This update was a filler update. there's 3 new cg but the game ends in the same place. Letting you move around after that scene would cause glitches so you need an earlier save.

oh ok thanks 


Keep improving the game, man! We’re here! The game is very good. I eat people who don’t like it.

game crashes consistently with this error after trying to leave the food court, regardless if new save or not




action number 1

of Create Event

for object obj_parkEntDoorBroken:

Variable obj_parkEntDoorBroken.rm_park(100445, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_parkEntDoorBroken_Create_0


gml_Object_obj_parkEntDoorBroken_Create_0 (line -1)

(1 edit)

That's frustrating it seems like your not getting the bug fixed version. Let me take a look.
Edit: Just tried it for the PC and no issue. Can I ask what platform you're using.

Im using windows, downloaded the 0.7 public release from the patreon

So no matter what, I cannot get the second scene with the zombie. I even started a new game and followed the walkthrough on the discord to the letter. She disappears from the freezer but no encounter happens in the main foyer.

That's a new one. I'll check it out.

Any updates about this bug or has it been fixed in the next version?

The game crashes consistently when trying to interact with the security camera button on the computer. I can't continue past this point.

The cams was prepping for the v 0.008 release. It wasn't suppose to be left in the 0.007 version. The bugfix should solve that.

i don't have the option to download the game anymore? i saw there was an update a few days ago and the download button disappeared


Sorry for the delayed response. I was unfortunately away for a bit. The uploads should be visable again. I'm not sure why they were randomly hidden.

For some reason when I go to the hallway just to the side of the security guard on Android it black screens.  The error says something about a broken door.

Thanks for the report. Found the issue. I'll be uploading a bugfixed version later today after work.

this new update seems to make the game very laggy any reason for that?

Think it's an install issue. Happens sometimes when I build it as well. I should be uploading a bugfixed version after work today so hopefully that'll fix the issue.

ok thanks for answering

Deleted 1 year ago

Strength rune. Use the lens bottom right of the lingerie shop. Key to the shop is in the girls restroom. Should be able to open it after that.

где искать дверную ручку маленькая девочка сказала, что в магазине нижнего белья что-то есть, но там ничего не было

Got stuck after getting out of the freezer, cant seem to find the box guy's lunch where monique. Help please!

it's the apple in the room with the giant tree

help im stuck (pause) i cant find wherever the hell 3rd shard is i found 1 2 and 4 but no 3 and i triple checked everywhere (and im not sure that i can find where it means by hallway

yo someone please i NEED the answer

Trash can, Rex, Girl's sink, and Paint can outside restrooms
Also theres a walkthrough on the discord.

i cant find rex

found a small bug, its fine but ruins the imersion, if you go to the, photo booth before you free the girls sam will still talk to you, also if you leave the security office with the map, instead of the arrow you don't get the key and cant get back without loading.

I can't acsses any of the Rex stuff in the gallery and girls menu. This has persisted through all the versions I have downloaded.

Probably a bug from a previous version being carried through the save files. Gonna assume the character is blacked out. Does starting a new game fix it? If so you can adjust a value in the save file.

Win: C:\Users\*user*\AppData\Local\MallCreeps_0_004b

The line:
obj_charRex Lock:="1.000000"
should be:
obj_charRex Lock:="0.000000"

Androids unfortunately hide their files a little better. If it's a non issue then I can just add unlock it in v0.008.

It worked thank

(1 edit)

i try and chase the zombie but it says i have to be faster. how do you get faster? loving this game though!

There's another rune at the admin entrance on the wall. Sorry for the delayed response.

No worries! Thanks!

I love your game but I can’t play the new version of it.

Alright. Can I ask if you're on android or pc. Also when and where is the issue occuring. (ex: Crash at main menu)

ah I’m on pc, I run windows, and it’s not so much the game won’t start it’s that I can’t open it, winzip is the unzipping program I’ve been using but, it doesn’t unzip your file, I’ve never had this problem before.

Sorry for the delayed response. That is definitely a new one. Tried double clicking myself and yeah, nothing. But when I right clicked and picked the winzip option I could unzip it anywhere I wanted without issue. Hopefully that fixes your issue while I try and figure why the file is being a dick.

Any idea on how to restrain the zombie? I'm somewhat stumped...

There's some duct tape in storageB (Reach by entering through the loading hallway. You'll need the keycard from the security office.)

the only thing I wish you'd change out would be the dialog box, it covers way to much of the action, I know you can hide it but it comes back when you want to progress with the dialog.. 

Hmmm. I think you're right about that. Maybe Make it translucent?

that would help greatly! 

i downloaded the game but when i tried to open it it sent me to word and froze it and would'nt play also it is not shown on my librar

is it the androind APK or the windows EXE that's not working right?

(1 edit)

How do I up my agility?

Rune in the admin entrance on the wall.


When you complete the game and it says do you want to save or not and when you save does it keep all your progress until the next updat

im just noticing i fucked up that comment but hopefully @Kuga_Maru understands what im saying 

The save should keep all your progress. I hope I got all the bugs worked out on that.

Oh ok, thanks

In the photos section, there is the secret scene of the saleswoman. How can I open it?

Scene one: Use the lens on her.
Scene two: After the first scene she'll ask you to find a lava lamp when you leave (Might have to reenter). Lava lamp is in front of the lingerie shop. Bring that back to her. Leave and come back she should be missing. Click on the lava lamp.

I am absolutely stumped on finding food for hobbs

Apple by the tree in the room with the photo booth.

Deleted 1 year ago
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